인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2020 Changwon


Artist Talk

Artist Talk #6 Sebastian Wickeroth 2020- 10- 25│ count : 486

1. You have decided to take part in the Changwon Sculpture Biennale 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Has there been any challenges?

2. The traditional exhibition model no longer applies in the post-pandemic era, calling for alternatives. What kind of role do you think biennales and art exhibitions should play in the future?

3. Offline visits to indoor exhibitions (Main Exhibition, Special Exhibitions 1 & 2) were restricted due to the government’s social distancing policy from September 17 to October 4, 2020 during which the audience were able to enjoy artworks only through online platform. The exhibitions have been made available both online and offline afterwards. What do you think of the online exhibitions at the Changwon Sculpture Biennale 2020?

4. Do your submissions to the Changwon Sculpture Biennale 2020 have any connections with its theme, “Non-Sculpture: Light or Flexible“? If they do, tell us your thoughts in relation to materials, forms, methodologies and contexts.

5. What’s your impression of the Biennale in Korea?

6. What do you make of the Changwon Sculpture Biennale 2020, compared to other biennales? Tell us your honest feedback.

7. What are your plans after the Changwon Sculpture Biennale 2020?

Artist: Sebastian Wickeroth
Artwork: Untitled(professional deformation)

Q. You have decided to take part in the Changwon Sculpture Biennale 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Has there been any challenges?

A. Oh yes, there have been challenges. I would have loved to come to Korea and install the work by myself but it wasn’t possible unfortunately. Thus we had to find solution for this problem. Due to the conceptual approach of my work it was possible to have the work realized by a technician team of the biennale. Quite a challenge for me to work out a precise construction plan and I guess also quite a challenge to realize the sculpture according to this plan. But in the end everything work out well!

Q. Offline visits to indoor exhibitions (Main Exhibition, Special Exhibitions 1 & 2) were restricted due to the government’s social distancing policy from September 17 to October 4, 2020 during which the audience were able to enjoy artworks only through online platform. The exhibitions have been made available both online and offline afterwards. What do you think of the online exhibitions at the Changwon Sculpture Biennale 2020?

A. Of course an online exhibition is a good and natural alternative to the real exhibition but it can never replace the true spacial experience, the experience of the actual physical space I think. And I would have liked to see the online exhibition highlighted more on the website. It`s kind of a bit hidden in the menu in my opinion.
