인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2022 Changwon
Sculpture Biennale


Artists & Artworks

Hemmungsloser Widerstand


MATERIALFound stones, Glass, Mirror, Corten steel

Alicja KWADE

Alicja Kwade’s work employs ordinary materials such as glass, steel, and concrete to explore the conventions developed by humanity in order explain natural phenomena. In questioning the absolute nature of the concept of time, the metric system, and the value of commodities, Kwade reminds us that reality is not absolute—it is what we have agreed upon collectively as a global society. For this exhibition, the artist is developing a new body of work in Mexico, which will be shown for the first time at Dallas Contemporary, while a sister exhibition will be on view at the List Visual Arts Center at MIT in Boston. Kwade’s collaboratively presented solo exhibitions at the two aforementioned institutions will comprise her largest US museum exhibitions to date. (Courtesy KÖNIG GALERIE Berlin  London  Seoul  Vienna)

Location Information

Address : 181, Jungang-daero, Seongsan-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea