인스타그램 페이스북 카카오 유튜브

2022 Changwon
Sculpture Biennale


Artists & Artworks

Animal Crossing BLM Protest

SIZE6min. 4sec.

MATERIALVideo remix of live event documentation

Adelle LIN

During the height of the pandemic and Black Lives Matter movement in 2020, we (USA) were learning that to stay silent was to be complicit in the structures that are built to oppress.

Indoors and isolated, I turned to a familiar game, Animal Crossing, to build a memorial for black lives lost, which led to a protest and fundraiser. We raised $11,000 USD, whilst giving those isolated in quarantine, too young to protest or overseas, a way to show up in solidarity.

Space for expression is critical, such as Black and White Coffee Shop during the Korean war, when artistic practice was repressed and banned. Then, the owner defected from North Korea, creating this safe haven for artists to exchange ideas and hold events, pioneering the Jinhae art movement.

To capture the moment, I begin the soundscape of the artwork with a remix of spoken word and recordings from protest live streams. Then, transition to silence at the height of the protest, reflecting how it can often feel like shouting into a void.

Protestors arrive, walking single-file through a narrow enclosed section, embodying feelings of oppression, before reaching the memorial. Together we sat, usually for an hour, shouting and emoting, until we felt catharsis. There was rage, despair, silence, yet closeness, as we held space for each other and the rest of the movement.

Main Exhibition 2 Website : https://across-space.art/Adelle-Lin

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